Ballast Water Management and Reseach

About us

Dr. Stephan Gollasch is a marine biologist active in ballast water related work since 1992. He was involved in the first European ship sampling programme on ballast water, tank sediments and ship hull fouling carried out 1992-1996.

His PhD is world-wide the first thesis based on sampling ballast water to determine in-tank biodiversity.

Click here to find out more about our research activities on ResearchGate, including >100 publications, book chapters and research reports.

Since 1994 Dr. Gollasch is member of the German Delegation at the International Maritime Organization attending meetings of MEPC and PPR. He was further from 2009 to 2012 member of GESAMP-BWWG who evaluates Basic and Final Approval dossiers of ballast water management systems, which make use of active substances. 

Having sampled ballast water and/or ballast tank sediments on more than 200 vessels, he became a high-level expert for ballast water sampling and was involved in several training events at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for the GloBallast Programme, at the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and others. 

Since Summer 2021 we are DNV-certified to conduct Commissioning Tests of Ballast Water Management Systems and since Winter 2022 we have in addition RINA and BV certificates to conduct Commissioning Tests. 


Gollasch Consulting and Dr. Matej David Consult implemented a strategic partnership as independent body to conduct, amongst other things, shipboard performance tests of BWMS according to the U.S. and IMO requirements. Since 2001, ballast water sampling experience was gained in many academic studies regarding representative sampling and analysis methods that support sampling under IMO requirements. Additional experience was gained during >160 shipboard performance tests of >20 different BWMS, conducted since 2005, during which >1350 ballast water samples were taken and processed. Several of these sampling events were audited by Lloyds Register, Det Norske Veritas, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH, Hamburg, Germany), Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate (Marine and Fishery) (ILT, The Netherlands) as well as Control Union Certifications (CUC, The Netherlands). The BWMS clients are/were from Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Japan, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, United Kingdom and the U.S.A. Further, we are founding members of the GlobalTestNet initiative.

For more details about Dr. Matej David Consulting d.o.o., based in Korte, Slovenia, click here.